
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Advice Tuesday

Hey! I know it's been a while. But guess what! It's Tuesday! Advice Tuesday :)

Today, I'm speaking strait from the heart. I've had a hard day with myself. I have been wanting to change myself, to be come more active, to be more bold, to be more positive, but I'm not motivated. I know what it's like to not want to do anything good for yourself. Your flesh says "You can do it later." When is later? You're just lying to yourself! Why spend more time being who you don't want to be when you can work on making yourself better now and enjoy the new you longer?

My Advice for the week is don't wait for the day you think is coming when you magically become the person you want to become. Become that person, weather all you do is take a five minuet walk once in a while, smile at a stranger, or do some extra chores to help out. Just don't keep waiting. You were born to live. Not wait.